PlayOn!X: European Edition is a project dedicated improving PlayOn!HD firmware releases. While it's still based on original firmware made by A.C. Ryan team, a lot of scripts and utilities have been integrated.
Note: I don't take any responsibility for damaging POHD by implementing your own working methods, so use at your own risk. Neither this firmware is supported by A.C. Ryan company, so don't ask them in case of problems. If you have followed my instructions and still couldn't get it working, you can contact me via e-mail: root @ playon.unixstorm.org (without spaces).
Since most of the credit should go to their authors, I can't demand any money for creating this. If you have too much money, give it to somebody who really needs it.
Some of the images were made by:
This is the list of interesting projects:
lossless website
POHD Remote
Thank you
I'd like thank to following people:
- Koets (for being the best betatester I've ever met)
- aasoror (for his great work done for PBO community)
- snappy46 (for explaining things I've never heard about before)
- lossless (for decrypting RSS and explaining UART)
- eLPino (for hosting Uitzending Gemist)
- Oscar (for combined packages and his good job with converting packages to PlayOn!X)