RSS pack is a collection of RSS/PHP scripts extending largely IMS services (check Features page for a list of components).
This package requires at least 100 MB (on NTFS partition: /tmp/hdd/volumes/HDD1). If you don't have enough space or you'd like to install it somewhere else, you'll have to follow the manual method.
a) Automatic mode
- download RSS pack and copy scripts.zip file to the root directory of your internal hard disk (NTFS partition: /tmp/hdd/volumes/HDD1)
- open InfoSite (http://PlayOn!HD-IP), in top menu select RSS. If you aren't redirected to Pack page, go to System and select Update option
- select Re-install or Update RSS pack and wait until installation completes
b) Manual mode (default location)
c) Manual mode (custom location - /usr/local/etc/)
- download RSS pack and extract somewhere on your computer
- remove all unneeded services from scripts directory and remove their corresponding items in menu.rss file
- pack scripts directory back to scripts.zip (re-pack)
- copy scripts.zip to USB disk and connect it to your media player
- telnet to PlayOn!HD and extract package by executing something like (you'll most likely have to change sdb1 to something else):
unzip -o /tmp/usbmounts/sdb1/scripts.zip -d /usr/local/etc
- change symlinks (if you have read-write access) or mounts (if you have read-only access) to new location:
mount -o bind /usr/local/etc/menu.rss /usr/local/bin/scripts/menu.rss
mount -o bind /usr/local/etc/ /home/
- set new location of RSS services in /usr/local/etc/menu.conf file:
echo -n "/usr/local/etc/" > /usr/local/etc/menu.conf
Some of the services require extra configuration. These can be login credentials (GlavTV, partly PLIMS), configuration files (Simple Jukebox) or web configuration (Youtube). In some services (DMD_RMJ, Simple Jukebox etc.) you'll find .cgi files - they should be moved into /tmp_orig/cgi-bin/ directory and will work after next reboot.
Additional notes:
Filme: Pass for adult contents is 1325.
NTV: If you don't see any images, run http://PlayOn!HD-IP:82/NTV/setpaths.php once.
Simple Jukebox: If you don't see any text in main menu, move srjg.cfg file into /usr/local/etc/ directory.
This section is for developers only. Don't read it if you are interested in creating new RSS scripts.
First of all, basic documentation can be found here.
All files in PlayOn!X RSS pack are NOT encrypted. If you'd like to modify original PlayOn!HD scripts, they are most likely encrypted. Here's some nice work done by Lossless (http://playonhd.ucoz.ru). Algorithm which has been used is ECB (Electronic Codebook) mode of 128-bit AES encryption. The key is: 6D2856375E6C2D3933352E31644B6C35 (hexadecimal).
There are at least 3 ways to decrypt them:
1) FileEncryptor.7z (i386 Linux)
2) rssdec.exe (Windows)
3) OpenSSL (open source, many system architectures)
In Windows it might be something like:
C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin>openssl.exe enc -aes-128-ecb -d -K 6D2856375E6C2D3933352E31644B6C35 -in menu-encrypted.rss -out menu-decrypted.rss
For converting packages from Xtreamer media players, use following keynames to make RSS scripts working on PlayOn!X:
Button | PlayOn!HD alias | Xtreamer alias |
Mute | video_volume_mute | video_volume_mute |
Info | display | DISPLAY |
1 | one | 1 |
2 | two | 2 |
3 | three | 3 |
4 | four | 4 |
5 | five | video_search |
6 | six | |
7 | seven | setup |
8 | eight | 8 |
9 | nine | |
Repeat | video_repeat | video_repeat |
0 | zero | 0 |
Goto | video_search | |
Fast Rewind | video_frwd | video_frwd |
Fast Forward | video_ffwd | video_ffwd |
Vol - | video_volume_down | video_volume_down |
Vol + | video_volume_up | video_volume_up |
Play | video_play | video_play |
Stop | video_stop | video_stop |
Previous | pageup | PU |
Next | pagedown | PD |
Return | return | RET |
Left | left | L |
Right | right | R |
Up | up | U |
Down | down | D |
Enter | enter | ENTR |
Pause/Step | video_pause | |
Slow | video_sfwd | |
A-B | video_abrepeat | video_abrepeat |
Ins Replay | video_skip | |
Cm Skip | video_instant_replay | |