

This is only an API to be used by developers, feel free to use it in your project (snappy46? :) The best option would be integration with Browser (press Info button and you get this), but since DvdPlayer is a closed source.. well, you know the story.

Images are mostly coming from Thumbgen, XBMC and Lambada's GENRES ICONS pack.

Not required:
  • Tvixie2PlayOn!HD
  • Thumbgen
  • YAMJ
  • any other tools on PC

Graphics layout is based on default Thumbgen template, although..

What's different:
  • rating scale (5 stars instead of 10)

What's missing:
  • movie file information (because it's not being scanned at all)

What's new:
  • random tagline (below movie title)
  • possibility to display image genres
  • movie awards (Oscars, Awards, Nominations)
  • position on IMDB Top 250 ranking (if listed)
  • MPAA rating


Due to overusage this library is currently offline.

You can use following variables together with movie.php script:

Variable Description
boxIf set, custom poster case will be used. Possible values are: bdrip, bluray, dtheater, dvd, generic, hddvd, hdtv, itunes (works with mode set to poster or sheet)
fontIf set, custom font will be used. Possible values are: bookman, comic, tahoma, times, verdana
Otherwise arial font will be used (works only with mode set to sheet)
genresIf set, images will be used for Genres
Otherwise text will be used for Genres (works only with mode set to sheet)
langIf set to de, es, fr, it, specified language will be used
Otherwise English will be used (works only with mode set to sheet)
nameTitle of movie [REQUIRED]
modeIf set to info will generate only NFO file
If set to poster will generate only JPG poster
If set to sheet will generate only JPG moviesheet [REQUIRED]
sourceIf set, specified movie collector will be used
Use tmdb for (movie backdrops are enabled)
Otherwise will be used (no movie backdrops).
taglineIf set, movie tagline will be displayed (works only with mode set to sheet and source set to tmdb)
timeIf set to real time will represented in HH:MM format
If set to hours time will be represented in HHh MMm format
Otherwise time will be represented in minutes (works only with mode set to sheet)


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